How to Make a Doubloon Bank: Unlock the Treasure

how to make a doubloon bank

Ahoy, mateys and aspiring crafters! You’re here because you’re curious about how to make a doubloon bank, aren’t you? Well, you’re in for a treat. Making a bank is more than just a DIY project; it’s an adventurous journey through history, creativity, and the fine art of woodworking. So, let’s set sail!

What is a Doubloon Bank?

A doubloon bank is essentially a miniature treasure chest designed to hold replica doubloons or coins that resemble the gold doubloons used as currency during the golden age of piracy. These charming little chests not only serve a functional purpose but also add a whimsical touch to your home decor.

The Historical Significance of Doubloons

Doubloons were gold coins used primarily by the Spanish and other European empires. These coins have a rich history, deeply intertwined with tales of pirates and treasure hunts. Incorporating them into a bank adds not just aesthetic value but also a touch of realism and nostalgia.

Why Make a Doubloon Bank

Why go to the trouble of making it a bank, you ask? Aside from being an aesthetically pleasing decor item, it also serves as a unique piggy bank for kids and adults alike. It can even be a conversation starter, fascinating your guests with its intricate details and historical relevance.

Planning Your Doubloon Bank

Before you dive into the actual building process, planning is crucial. Draft a blueprint or a rough sketch, noting the dimensions and features you want to include. Consider any secret compartments or special features that you’d like to add to make your doubloon bank truly one-of-a-kind.

Necessary Materials

Here’s a list of materials you’ll need:

  • Wood planks
  • Screws or nails
  • Wood glue
  • Paint or varnish
  • Replica doubloons or similar coins
  • Optional: Locks, handles, hidden compartments

Choosing the Right Wood

The type of wood you choose will greatly influence the final look of your doubloon bank. Pine, oak, and cedar are popular choices, each bringing its unique texture and color to the table.

Acquiring Doubloon-like Coins

You can use real coins, toy coins, or even make your own using metal or clay. The key is to find or create coins that resemble historical doubloons to give your bank an authentic feel.

Tools Required

To bring your doubloon bank to life, you’ll need some essential tools:

  • Saw
  • Hammer
  • Screwdriver
  • Measuring tape
  • Paintbrushes

Setting Up Your Workspace

A well-organized workspace is essential for any DIY project. Ensure you have adequate lighting and all your tools and materials within arm’s reach.

Crafting the Base

The base serves as the foundation of your doubloon bank. Make sure it’s sturdy and well-crafted, as it will need to support the entire structure.

The Importance of Measurements

Precision is key when it comes to making your doubloon bank. A small mistake in measurement can throw off the entire project. Always double-check your measurements before cutting or assembling pieces.

Assembling the Sides

After the base is set, it’s time to move on to the sides. These can be plain or intricately designed, depending on your skill level and aesthetic preference.

Crafting the Lid

The lid is arguably the most important part, as it’s what you’ll see most often. You could opt for a flat lid or something more rounded, even adding ornamental details for extra flair.

Finishing Touches

Once the structure is assembled, you can add some finishing touches like paint, varnish, or decorative nails to make your doubloon bank truly stand out.

Applying Varnish

Varnish not only enhances the appearance of the wood but also provides a protective coating, making your doubloon bank more durable.

Adding Locks and Handles

Adding Locks and Handles

For added functionality and flair, consider installing a lock and handles. These elements not only make your bank more secure but also contribute to its pirate chest-like appearance.

Inserting the Doubloons

Now comes the fun part—filling your doubloon with coins! Whether you use replica doubloons or coins of your choice, make sure they fit well inside the compartments or spaces you’ve created.

Adding Hidden Compartments

Hidden compartments add an element of surprise and excitement. Whether it’s a hidden drawer or a secret latch, this feature will surely fascinate anyone who encounters your doubloon bank.

Safety Measures

If kids will be using this doubloon bank, make sure it’s safe. Round off any sharp corners and ensure that the lock and other small parts are secure.

Child-Proofing the Bank

As an extra step, consider child-proofing your bank by adding safety latches or soft bumpers to prevent any accidents.

How to Make a Doubloon Bank

Making a doubloon bank involves careful planning, precise measurements, and a dash of creativity. The process might be time-consuming, but the end result—a stunning, functional, and historically fascinating object—is well worth the effort.

Inspiration and Customization

Your doubloon bank is a canvas for your creativity. You can customize it by adding unique elements, from inscriptions to gemstones, making it a true treasure chest.


  • What is the ideal wood for a doubloon bank?
    Pine, oak, and cedar are popular choices for their durability and aesthetic appeal.
  • Can I use real coins instead of replicas?
    Yes, you can use real coins, but keep in mind the historical accuracy if that’s important to you.
  • What tools are essential for making a bank?
    Essential tools include a saw, hammer, screwdriver, measuring tape, and paintbrushes.
  • How can I make my doubloon bank more secure?
    Adding a lock and possibly a latch for added security can make your bank more secure.
  • Are there any templates or blueprints available online?
    While templates may be available, the best approach is to draft your own plans for a unique bank.
  • What are some creative ideas for customizing my doubloon bank?
    Consider adding hidden compartments, intricate designs, or even gemstones for a unique touch.


Creating a doubloon bank is not just a fun DIY project; it’s a journey into history and craftsmanship. Whether you’re making it for yourself or as a gift, the experience and the finished product will surely be treasured for years to come.