How to Open a Window from Outside Safely and Efficiently

how to open a window from outside

We’ve all been there: keys are inside, and you need to find a way to get in without compromising the safety of your property. One way could be to open a window from outside, but how does one do it safely and efficiently? This detailed guide aims to provide practical insights into this common dilemma.

Types of Windows

Sliding Windows

Typically used in modern homes, sliding windows offer excellent ventilation but come with their own sets of challenges for external opening.

Casement Windows

Often found in older homes, casement windows swing out like a door and have their unique opening techniques.

Double-Hung Windows

These are the classics, with two sashes that slide vertically up and down in the frame.

General Precautions

Safety Gear

Wear gloves and safety glasses to avoid accidental injury.

Potential Risks

Be aware of potential security risks while attempting to open a window.

Necessary Tools

Basic Toolkit

A screwdriver and pry bar will get you far.

Specialized Devices

For certain locks and mechanisms, more specialized tools may be required.

Common Challenges

Weather Conditions

Rain and snow can make this task more challenging.

Old Windows

Older windows may have rusted or jammed mechanisms.

Security Features

Some windows have additional locks for enhanced security.

Step-By-Step Guide

Here we’ll delve into the intricate details of opening various types of windows from the outside.

How to Open a Sliding Window from Outside

Finding the Lock

Locate the locking mechanism, usually found at the bottom.

Sliding Techniques

Once the lock is disengaged, use both hands to slide the window carefully.

How to Open a Casement Window from Outside

How to Open a Casement Window from Outside

Handle and Hinges

Turn the handle while pushing the window to pop it open.

How to Open a Double-Hung Window from Outside

Upper and Lower Sashes

You’ll need to disengage both to successfully open the window.

Special Cases

Child Locks

These require extra steps to disengage.

Broken Handles

When handles are broken, a different approach is needed.

When to Seek Professional Help

If you’ve tried all options and the window won’t budge, it’s time to seek professional help.

Maintenance Tips

Regular Checks

Frequent inspection can prevent future jams.


Regular cleaning can make windows easier to open.

Smart Windows

IoT Devices

Smart windows can be opened with a tap on your smartphone.


Various apps can be configured to control smart windows.

Myths and Misconceptions

Common Beliefs

Not everything you hear is true.


Here are the facts.

Legal Aspects

Privacy Laws

Understand the laws governing your actions.


Ensure you’re not breaking any laws while attempting to open a window.


How Can You Determine the Type of Window You Have?
To determine the type of window you have, you can look at how it opens and closes. Sliding windows move horizontally, casement windows swing out like a door, and double-hung windows have two sashes that slide vertically.

Does Weather Affect the Process?
Yes, weather can significantly affect your ability to open a window from the outside. For instance, rain or snow can make the surfaces slippery, making it difficult to get a good grip on the window.

What Are Some Common Tools You Might Need?
Common tools that might be required include a flat-head screwdriver, pry bar, and potentially a lock-picking set depending on the complexity of the lock mechanism on the window.

How Often Should You Maintain Your Windows?
Regular maintenance should be performed at least twice a year to ensure that your windows function properly and are easy to open and close.

Is It Illegal to Open Someone Else’s Window?
Yes, opening someone else’s window without permission could be considered trespassing or breaking and entering, which are both illegal activities.

What Are the Alternative Options If You Can’t Open a Window?
If you find it impossible to open the window from outside, other options could include calling a professional locksmith or trying to gain entry through another access point like a different window or door.


Whether it’s an emergency or a routine check, knowing how to open a window from outside is a skill worth having. This comprehensive guide aims to make you proficient in dealing with various types of windows. Always remember, safety first!