How to Remove Speed Limiter on Electric Golf Cart

How to Remove Speed Limiter on Electric Golf Cart

Electric golf carts have become a popular mode of transportation not only on the golf course but also within communities, resorts, and other recreational areas. However, many electric golf carts come with a speed limiter, which restricts their maximum speed for safety reasons. If you’re looking to add a bit more zip to your electric golf cart, you may be wondering how to remove the speed limiter. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process step by step, ensuring that you can enjoy a faster ride without compromising safety.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Speed Limiter
  3. Tools and Materials Needed
  4. Safety Precautions
  5. Step-by-Step Guide to Removing the Speed Limiter
    • Disabling the Controller
    • Bypassing the Speed Sensor
    • Adjusting the Throttle
  6. Testing Your Modified Golf Cart
  7. Maintenance and Monitoring
  8. Potential Risks and Considerations
  9. Benefits of Removing the Speed Limiter
  10. Legal and Ethical Considerations
  11. Conclusion
  12. FAQs


Electric golf carts are known for their eco-friendly nature and convenience. However, the factory-installed speed limiters can sometimes be frustrating for those looking for a bit more thrill. Removing the speed limiter can provide a more exhilarating ride while still adhering to safety guidelines.

Understanding the Speed Limiter

The speed limiter in electric golf carts is a feature designed to cap the maximum speed of the vehicle. It’s implemented to prevent accidents, promote user safety, and extend the lifespan of the cart. While these intentions are noble, some experienced users may desire higher speeds for specific scenarios.

Tools and Materials Needed

Before attempting to remove the speed limiter, gather the following tools and materials:

  • Wrench set
  • Screwdriver set
  • Wire strippers
  • Wire connectors
  • Electrical tape
  • Safety goggles and gloves
  • User manual or wiring diagram of the golf cart model

Safety Precautions

Safety should always be a priority. Before starting the modification process, make sure to:

  • Wear appropriate safety gear.
  • Disconnect the battery to prevent electrical shock.
  • Work in a well-ventilated area.
  • Consult the user manual and wiring diagram for accurate information.

Step-by-Step Guide to Removing the Speed Limiter

Disabling the Controller

  1. Locate the controller, usually found under the seat or dashboard.
  2. Disconnect the controller’s wiring harness carefully.
  3. Remove any retaining screws or clips holding the controller in place.
  4. Set the controller aside in a safe location.

Bypassing the Speed Sensor

  1. Identify the speed sensor, typically located on the axle or motor.
  2. Disconnect the speed sensor’s wiring harness.
  3. Use wire strippers to expose the sensor wires.
  4. Connect the sensor wires to a wire connector, effectively bypassing the sensor.

Adjusting the Throttle

  1. Access the throttle, usually attached to the accelerator pedal.
  2. Carefully disconnect the throttle wiring.
  3. Adjust the throttle mechanism to increase the speed range.
  4. Reconnect the wiring to the throttle.

Testing Your Modified Golf Cart

Testing Your Modified Golf Cart

After making the necessary modifications, it’s crucial to test your golf cart in a controlled environment. Gradually increase the speed to ensure that the modifications are functioning as intended.

Maintenance and Monitoring

Regularly inspect your modified golf cart for any signs of wear and tear. Monitor the performance closely to ensure the modifications continue to work safely.

Potential Risks and Considerations

Removing the speed limiter can lead to increased wear on components, decreased battery life, and potential safety hazards. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making the decision.

Benefits of Removing the Speed Limiter

  • Enhanced enjoyment and excitement during rides.
  • Increased versatility for various uses.
  • Customization to fit personal preferences.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Consult local regulations and laws regarding modified electric golf carts. It’s important to use the modified cart responsibly and considerately.


  1. Is removing the speed limiter legal? It depends on local regulations. Check with your local authorities before making any modifications.
  2. Will removing the speed limiter damage my cart? While it can lead to increased wear, proper maintenance can mitigate potential damage.
  3. Can I revert to the original settings if needed? Yes, you can reverse the modifications by following the same steps in reverse.
  4. How much will the modification cost? Costs can vary based on tools, materials, and professional assistance if required.
  5. Can I modify any model of electric golf cart? The feasibility of modifications can vary by model. Refer to your cart’s manual for guidance.


Removing the speed limiter from your electric golf cart can provide a newfound sense of freedom and excitement. However, it’s crucial to approach this process with caution, ensuring that safety remains a top priority. By following the outlined steps and considering the potential risks, you can enjoy a modified ride that aligns with your preferences.